4-10 “For the Asking”
It’s week two of me drawing numbers to determine my recap, and I upgraded the empty Kleenex box to an empty yogurt container. It’s the one where a big deal is made of…
3-21 – “Mind Your Own Business”
All writers journal, and the fact that I stopped journaling sometime in high school is probably the reason that my own writing career has stalled for the past 30 years or so. Thankfully,…
7-8 “Come Back to the Truck Stop, Natalie Green, Natalie Green”
I chose this episode to recap because when I sat down to start writing, I needed a big ol’ pile o’ goof. Good goof, not goof so goofy as to be terrible. Goofy…
5-7 “Advanced Placement”
Natalie Green is one of the greatest female television characters in the history of ever. The unsophisticated critic of Factswill refer to Natalie as “the fat one,” which is such an oversimplification for…
4-2 “The Source”
Sometimes when I recap an episode that I remember being good, it ends up being even better than I remembered. This is one such episode. The year is 1982, and the topic is…
3-5 “Front Page”
Folks, this is among my favorite episodes of Facts. It’s one that I remembered but didn’t catch on TV in syndication for a long time. Either I kept missing it or the stations that…
2-11 “Sex Symbol”
“Men who are with lots of women are considered studs, while women who are with lots of men are considered sluts!” It’s such an old trope, yet we’re still mired in it today.…
2-13 “Bought and Sold” (Featuring Zsa Zsa Gabor)
Zsa Zsa Gabor was a woman known for her beauty and glamour. She wore loads of makeup and diamonds and furs and all sorts of things of which I heartily disapprove. Yet there…
5-6 “The Halloween Show” (part 2)
Muahahahahaha! Happy continuing Halloween week, readers! I left you with a cliffhanger last post. The girls and Mrs. Garrett have only just moved into Edna’s Edibles, and they’ve discovered that there was a…
5-6 “The Halloween Show” (part 1)
Happy Halloween week everybody! I apologize for another “life happens” delay, but I’ll make it up to you with SEVEN new posts between today and Halloween, including two-part recaps of the two Halloween episodes…