2-8 “Teenage Marriage, Part 2”
Previously on The Facts of Life: When we last saw Jo and Eddie They was runnin’ off to wed Blair ‘n’ Edna tried to stop ’em …
2-7 “Teenage Marriage, Part 1
Season Two brought us Jo, and then it brought us Jo’s first true love: Eddie Brennan. C’mon, isn’t he a heartthrob? Those eyes! That gentle, loving face! That precious overbite! In 1981, this…
Jo, Blair, Natalie and Tootie all had boyfriends, and here they are.
Today was going to be my first recap post, but I’ve received an inquiry of sorts from a follower which I will address instead. hobbywizard says: “I don’t recall any of them having boyfriends…ever.” hobbywizard,…