3-5 “Front Page”
Folks, this is among my favorite episodes of Facts. It’s one that I remembered but didn’t catch on TV in syndication for a long time. Either I kept missing it or the stations that…
2-9 “Gossip”
I don’t love this episode. It’s not the first time and not the last that Tootie’s gossip is an issue, and the biggest issue in the episode is not even all Tootie’s fault.…
Happy belated 420 and RIP Prince. Read these these classic blogs
Cheers, all, and happy belated 420. I had a lovely holiday yesterday, although I did spend most of the day working. In honor of the day, please read (or revisit) this two-part recap…
6-18 “With a Little Help from My Friends”
Guess what? I took the bar exam! Hooray! I think I probably passed but I’m prepared not to have. I find out in October and I’ll let y’all know. And that’s all I…
1-13: “Dope” (part 2 of 2)
Previously, on Cousin Geri: A Facts of Life Appreciation Blog… Blair got Sue Ann into “The Group,” a secretive, exclusive group of seniors who really are just a bunch of stoners. Tootie crashed…
1-13: “Dope” (part 1 of 2)
In which the character played by Helen Hunt smokes a bong. I bet you didn’t know that Helen Hunt was in a Facts of Life episode! Although I did mention it in my very…