3-7 “Sweet Sorrow”
In the middle of season two, we met the man that could melt Jo’s steel heart. By the end of that two-part episode, Jo had decided that it was a bad idea to…
2-8 “Teenage Marriage, Part 2”
Previously on The Facts of Life: When we last saw Jo and Eddie They was runnin’ off to wed Blair ‘n’ Edna tried to stop ’em …
2-7 “Teenage Marriage, Part 1
Season Two brought us Jo, and then it brought us Jo’s first true love: Eddie Brennan. C’mon, isn’t he a heartthrob? Those eyes! That gentle, loving face! That precious overbite! In 1981, this…
6-18 “With a Little Help from My Friends”
Guess what? I took the bar exam! Hooray! I think I probably passed but I’m prepared not to have. I find out in October and I’ll let y’all know. And that’s all I…
Rest In Peace, Charlie Polniaczek
I am in the process of getting another recap up, I promise. But I have just learned that Alex Rocco, who played Jo’s father, Charlie Polniaczek, died on Saturday. He was 79; he…
1-2 “Like Mother Like Daughter”
I’ve been working on a post tracking the decor of the girls’ bedroom at Eastland in seasons two through four. It’s fun (and remarkably consistent!), but it does take a while. Realizing that…
4-22 “Take my finals, Please!” (Part 2 of 2)
When we left our intrepid heroines last post, they were in the midst of an all-night cram for finals. They’d made the mistake of “resting our eyes for ten minutes” and had just…
4-22: “Take My Finals, Please!” (Part 1 of 2)
The episode itself is a popular one. It’s one that my sister, a casual Facts fan at most, remembers vividly, and I suspect that if I did an informal poll of which Facts…
4-24: “Graduation: Part 2”
When we last left our heroines, everyone was fighting with everyone on the eve of Blair and Jo’s high school graduation. I mentioned that a giant multi-family fight sounds like an average graduation…
4-23: Graduation: Part 1
If you are reading this, you probably know that I’ve been in law school. I started the blog during the lag time between the end of my summer internship and the beginning of…