1-13: “Dope” (part 2 of 2)
Previously, on Cousin Geri: A Facts of Life Appreciation Blog… Blair got Sue Ann into “The Group,” a secretive, exclusive group of seniors who really are just a bunch of stoners. Tootie crashed…
1-13: “Dope” (part 1 of 2)
In which the character played by Helen Hunt smokes a bong. I bet you didn’t know that Helen Hunt was in a Facts of Life episode! Although I did mention it in my very…
1-1: “Rough Housing”
Ladies, gentlemen, and anyone else, meet the very first episode of The Facts of Life: Rough Housing, in which princess Blair accuses jock Cindy of being a lesbian (but without using the ‘l’…
Complete series forthcoming?!? Don’t tease me so!
Today, I checked an old e-mail address of mine that I don’t really use anymore and haven’t checked in a while, and I found an e-mail from last Monday that led me to…
A real reunion
On Friday evening, I found these tweets in my feed: Feel free to mock me mercilessly, but I have to admit that there’s something very comforting about the mental image of Blair and…
Who are they now according to Twitter
I’ve been sort of trying, not very well, to use Twitter to promote this blog. Part of that process was finally, after several tweets in which I tagged them (is that the right…
Inspiring a generation of lesbians? More on Jo’s sexual orientation via speculation about Nancy McKeon’s.
For some reasons that are not relevant but I’m happy to share if anyone is interested, I showed up at work this morning with my Facts of Life Seasons 1 and 2 DVDs…
Blair and Tootie plan weddings: “For Better or for Worse” recap through tweets
I’ve been grossly remiss in posting since Saturday night’s viewing extravaganza of For Better or for Worse on the Hallmark channel. Life and work and whatnot have been happening. I did experiment with tweeting while…
Just a quick post to remind y’all that there is a Facts of Life reunion of sorts tonight, as Lisa Welchel and Kim Fields take on a cheesy Hallmark movie at 9 p.m.…
You take the black, you take the white…
Yesterday, an old friend, one I haven’t really talked to since college, send me this timely link. Go ahead. Click here. I’ll wait. Did you click? If you were afraid, it was just…