Activism in The Facts of Life (inspired by Federal court)
Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been posting much more regularly in 2015. Indeed, I intended to have a weekly post, and the way my schedule works out, it’s on Thursdays.…
8-22: “This is Only a Test”
Since my complete series DVDs arrived about a month ago, I’ve been savoring the opportunity to watch seasons six through nine, to which I haven’t had reliable access in over a decade. I…
It’s the interview of my dreams! Except EW did it, not me
Many thanks to a Kiwi friend living in Australia, who pointed me to an Entertainment Weekly interview with many important Facts of Life personalities. Everyone from Blair to Mr. Bradley to Assad freaking Kelada…
2-2: “The New Girl – Part 2”
Back in September, I treated you all to a recap of the episode where we are finally introduced to our tough-talking, motorcycle-riding, fist-clenching, gender-nonconforming heroine, Jo. Then the sky fell and I dropped…
How Season Six was the series’s most pivotal season
In the unlikely event that you, dear reader, are unaware of the greatest news of 2015, The Facts of Life complete series has FINALLY been released on DVD. I know DVD is old…
I’m using the word “official” rather loosely; it’s official only to the extent that, to my knowledge, I’m the only one who has gone through the trouble of putting together an official timeline,…
News for the New Year
I don’t know how the hell I missed this, but apparently back in September, the Facts of Life cast reunited for a 35th anniversary dish. It seems to have been a Today Show…
1-11 “Running”
It turns out that third year of law school is not the picnic everyone promised. That’s at least in part because I made bad choices, but that’s neither here nor there, since the…
2-1: “The New Girl – Part 1”
I haven’t put up a new post in a couple of weeks due to vacation followed by the opposite of vacation. But now that I have given my presentation to complete my summer…
Kim Fields: Mainstream Mommy
I was at my stylist recently, flipping through the celebrity trash rags, and I found this in the July 28, 2014 issue of US Weekly: As I noted toward the end of this blog…